Freelancer Finance Although financial planning and budgeting are excellent ideas, how do you plan or budget when you don’t know what your income will be each month? There are months when you don't make much money. Then, there are the months where you have a lot of money and then you get into financial trouble. Although it's difficult, there are solutions that will help you to stabilize your finances. It is important to find out what it costs each month to live. Add all of your expenses, including food, gas, rent, mortgage payment, utilities and car payments. You should also remember to pay your car registrations and license renewals, as well as birthday, holiday, and gift cards and Lotto tickets. It's a good idea to keep a small notebook with you for a few months so you can track everything. You should set aside a certain amount of entertainment. If you make it so strict that you don't have fun, you won't be able to enjoy your life. Once you have determined how muc...